For the first time in my life I did a roller-set on my hair. The results were fantastic, better than I expected. When I say everyone loved them, I mean everyone including the post man. You all know how I change my hair like the the weather, so it was a last minute decision to actually use the rollers that I had in the stash for the past year. Well actually, I was browsing pictures of roller-sets and came across a few that I liked. (Peep the images I liked below) To prep for my decision to roller-set, I washed and conditioned with regular shampoo and conditioner from White Rain. Correction, I used White Rain Shampoo and then used a Dr. Miracle Deep Conditioning packet. After rinsing hair, I let it air dry. Surprise. That was my own little idea. Okay, I'm telling lies. It was an "accidental" air-dry due to the fact I was indecisive about what to do to my hair. Now after air-drying to 90%, I sectioned off and put mousse all through my hair and started rollin...