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Hot Tools Salon Hair Dryer

Let’s face it, most of America is not in the financial class of having extra money to buy expensive hair products. I’m talking about the products that promise to promote healthy hair growth, or to stop breakage, or even to grow hair six inches in three months. African-American women alone spend more money on hair care products than any other race.  Not talking about a few hundred dollars here and there, studies show the amount we spend on hair care products surpasses the half a trillion dollar mark annually, just in our hair care alone.

So how can we cut this cost down? The answer is simple. Create treatments from the comfort of our own kitchen at little to no cost at all. The point is, we could save ourselves so much money if we used home remedies to fix everyday hair problems. There are plenty of ways to fix whatever problem you’re having with just a simple at home recipe.

Top Five Homemade Hair Rescues:

1.      Mayonnaise: Combats dry hair, adds shine and adds intense moisture from roots to the ends. If your hair is dull, limp, breaks easy with a crunchy sound, then this homemade remedy will help.

Instructions: With a spray bottle, dampen hair with a few sprays. Hair should not be wet enough to drip. Grab the jar of mayonnaise you plan to use. Brand really does not matter since they all have egg protein. Scoop out some mayo and place it into a medium sized bowl or cup. The amount of mayo you will need for your hair depends on the length and thickness of your hair. In sections, place mayonnaise in hair from the roots to the ends of hair. Put enough in to where you are comfortable with it and to where the hair is saturated enough. After you have completed each section, place a plastic cap on for at least 20 minutes. When desired amount of time has passed, rinse mayonnaise out of hair with warm water. Follow up with a sulfate-free shampoo. In some cases, you may have to shampoo hair more than once to wash the mayo out. Rinse with cool water. Style as desired.  (There are some people who prefer to shampoo the hair first and then apply the mask. Then follow up the mask with another shampoo wash.)

Variations: Some people like to add oils or an egg to the mayonnaise mask. It really depends on the individual. Oil suggestions include olive oil, grape-seed oil and avocado oil.

2.      Baking Soda and Yogurt: This treatment helps with removing dirt, buildup, and oils while also providing enough moisture to protect the hair once the dirt is stripped from the hair. It will provide a shine and give the hair some bounce.

Instructions: Mix yogurt and baking soda together to form a paste. With freshly shampooed hair, apply the mix. Leave on hair, uncovered, for 15 minutes. Rinse out with luke-warm water. If you like, you can follow up with a moisturizing conditioner.

3.      Eggs: Great for protein treatments. Provides the hair strength, elasticity, and prevents splits and breakage from occurring. Also prevents frizz.

Instructions: Depending on your length and thickness, use 1-2 eggs. In a bowl, stir the eggs until the yolk is mixed in. Apply thoroughly through the hair. You can leave uncovered or covered. Let it set for 20 minutes. Rinse out with luke-warm water.

4.      Oatmeal Mask: Helps with dandruff. This is for itchy or dry scalp. Rich in B vitamins, oatmeal softens the hair and the hair follicles. It conditions all the way from the scalp to the ends of the hair.

Instructions: Use 1 cup of oatmeal preferably not the Instant Oats. In a blender, beat the oats until it is in a powdered form. Now you add ½ cup of water and ¼ cup EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil). Blend again. Now apply the mask to your hair. Evenly distributing throughout hair. Massage into your scalp. Leave on hair for 15 minutes. Rinse with luke-warm water.  For those with thicker, coarser, or longer hair, you may need to double the recipe.

5.      Onions and Honey: Yes onions. Believe it or not, onions bring about hair growth. Onions help in regenerating hair follicles. Stimulating the scalp, promoting healthier and faster growth because of its richness in Sulfur. The honey helps keep the hair moisturized.

Instructions: Peel one or two onions. Place the peels into a blender. Blend until it becomes a liquid. Extract the liquid and mix it with 1tbsp of honey. Apply the mix to the hair and scalp, allow it to sit for 45 mins. You can massage the hair if you like. Rinse out. In order to get rid of the smell, use a no sulfate (smell-good) shampoo. You should do this treatment once a week in order to see results.

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