Day 19 through 21: Okay, oil rinsed Wednesday night, and dry wrapped hair again. I wore the following styles all week. Saturday, I washed and conditioned. After letting hair air dry over night, I decided to flat iron. It came out beautifully. I made sure I used heat protectant as always. So no complaints over here. ETA: Okay well day 23 was pure hell for me. First I OD on Nyquil. So I was extra drowsy. Plus it was rainy outside all day, so I was just miserable. Now to complete this messed up day, I went left work, headed to my car that was parked down the block to find this: A DAMN FLAT TIRE. IN THE RAIN. WITH THIS FRESHLY FLAT IRONED HAIR. AAAAHHHH. I looked a pure mess afterwards. All that time flat ironing went to waste. So I am here tonight as I type this update, re-flat ironing. Don't worry, this is my last time flat ironing for a while. My friend, who is natural, did not flat iron her hair for a whole year and finally did it for Christma...