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Showing posts from February, 2018


Youtube Click to enlarge Kylie releases statement regarding what's been going on in her life for the past few months. Finally, after months of speculation, drone provided pictures, and hints from sources close to the Kardashian-Jenner clan, 20 year-old ,Kylie Jenner confirms pregnancy rumors by releasing a video announcing the birth of her baby girl to rapper, Travis Scott, on February 1st, 2018. Mirror.Uk  In a video released on February 4th, Kylie documented every step of her journey to motherhood with father, Travis Scott. The couple seem to be going strong and deeply in love, even Scott's parents and sister seem to love Kylie. Kris Jenner "You've got the best mommy!" The video, created by Tyler Ross, combines advice and praises from family and friends of Kylie at what appears to be her baby shower. With all of the people knowing of the pregnancy, the family did a great job of keeping it under wraps. Kylie remained hidden inside for