Yes, again the infamous "NO HEAT CHALLENGE." I am determined to stick this one out for the ENTIRE summer. I have many ideas that I want to do with my hair but yet, scared of the no heat. I love looking at the length of my hair when it is flat ironed, but I know for health (of my hair) reasons, I must stay away. I swear when my hair is in its straightened state and it is just flowing in the wind, I feel every bit like this gif. Yesss hunni. Well this challenge will focus on being creative with my hair, finding ways to manage it without the flat iron, and getting my curls back. To begin with, my hair is not that curly, it is wavy. My natural hair never curled into those beautiful ringlets but more like waves. I know I will gain thickness and length, but how long will I last with no heat? Stay tuned every week for my hairstyle of the week. Tomorrow is the day that I premier my first of the challenge. Wait for the style that I have for you to see. Hint: I got it fro...