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Showing posts from May, 2015


Yes, again the infamous "NO HEAT CHALLENGE."  I am determined to stick this one out for the ENTIRE summer. I have many ideas that I want to do with my hair but yet, scared of the no heat. I love looking at the length of my hair when it is flat ironed, but I know for health (of my hair) reasons, I must stay away. I swear when my hair is in its straightened state and it is just flowing in the wind, I feel every bit like this gif. Yesss hunni. Well this challenge will focus on being creative with my hair, finding ways to manage it without the flat iron, and getting my curls back. To begin with, my hair is not that curly, it is wavy. My natural hair never curled into those beautiful ringlets but more like waves. I know I will gain thickness and length, but how long will I last with no heat? Stay tuned every week for my hairstyle of the week. Tomorrow is the day that I premier my first of the challenge. Wait for the style that I have for you to see. Hint: I got it fro...


I love browsing instagram pages. I search everything from fitness to my neighborhood. So it shouldn't come as a surprise that I look up hair care as well. While browsing, I came across an instagram page with some of the most prettiest hair I have seen in a while. Enjoy!!


I was stunned when I came across a picture on Instagram of Love and Hip Hop Star Mimi Faust. It was a picture of the starlet's hair. Initially, I always thought Mimi's hair was most likely thin, brittle, and relaxed due to the way the extensions or wigs look on her so imagine my surprise when she revealed her long, naturally-curly mane for the world to see. I did some digging into how she kept her curls intact and her hair healthy while undergoing the strenous hair practices she is subjected to almost every time she steps out of the house. I found from an interview back in 2012 with, that Mimi has been natural since the age of 19. She washes her hair once a week and normally styles her hair herself with the use of limited heat. Interesting because I always see her hair in straight styles on television or on her pictures. Mimi is currently using Keracare shampoo and conditioner but likes to rotate her products and change it up every few months.  For ...


With all of the "grow your hair faster with this..." products that are out on the market, it is hard to decide on just one product that works for you. Of course there is always "trial and error" to assist you in finding the secret "growth aid" for your hair, but haven't you noticed most of the products contain the one ingredient needed to promote hair growth? Biotin Biotin or Vitamin H is needed for cell growth. Although there is no scientific PROOF that Biotin aids in faster hair growth, there is no denying that fact that it is indeed a growth aid for skin reproduction and nails. Believe it or not, nails and hair are made from the same protein (learned that in Biology class, hehe), so if Biotin increases cell growth in nails and skin, they as a bonus, hair growth accelerates as well.  Take a look at the current hair growth aids that are popular today (i.e: Hairfinity, Hair, Skin & Nails), most likely, they contain Biotin as the active ingr...


I know as a woman, one of the most important aspect in our lives revolves around our hair. I mean, I do so much with my hair that I am sure it would ask me to leave it alone indefinitely if the strands could speak. I mean I twirl it, flip it, twist it, braid it, un-braid it, straighten it, wash it out then restraighten, cowash, oil rinse, bun it, don't like the bun so un-bun it, I mean, the struggle is real to keep my hands out of this mane of mine.  Well I discovered that if I leave these strands alone, they will do what they are supposed to to regardless, which is grow in healthy. As you recall, back in early fall, I cut my hair to neck length. It took only a few months for it to grow back to the originally length and just think right now I am, I am scraping my bra once again. I mean I literally did NOTHING with my hair besides for wash once a week, possibly every two weeks depending on my mood, deep conditioned regularly, limited heat use to once a month, and wore my hair eit...